英文教室從本篇 “直屬上司” 篇嘗試做兩點不一樣的修改。
豬立啞:早上一進辦公室時Our boss just chewed me out,He has already rip me a new asshole。
卡賣籠:到底發生啥事呢? Did you keep a low profile呀? 我是說,就算你不同意老闆的意見,You still have to pay lip service to his opinions,Do not lock horns with our boss in order to prove yourself. 這是非常不智的,之前就有個白目的同事也對著他吼回去,The outcome was that our boss sent him packing to go home了 。
豬立啞:我知道這個事情,He wants all of us to be yes man,都要聽他的,所以我只是靜靜地挨罵,可是搞了半天His decision came full circle,剛剛罵我怎沒有採用大概一個月前最一開始的A方案,是他自己後來跟我講要用B計畫的呀,所以Now I have to go back to square one,I burned the midnight oil for a whole week的辛苦都白忙了,I am going to go postal了。
卡賣籠:Been there, done that,我的建議是,以後在妳做任何新的決定之前,You must give our boss a heads up,我們都有能力自由發揮,可是我們都知道He is not a hands-off manager,他總喜歡干涉我們的做事方法>,He doesn’t give blank check to his subordinates,We are just a figure -head,了解這點之後,You have to let him in the know,並確定Our boss and you are on the same page,現在既然他做了決定,Just leave him holding the bag吧。
豬立啞:我想接下來He will keep his eyes on my progress,I am now in the hot seat了,可是我覺得最糟糕的是,做這樣老闆不高興,做那樣又要得罪R&D部門,It’s really a catch 22,你知道We can’t burn our bridges with R&D Department呀,老闆都不站在我們的角度替我們想一下,真的很過分呀。
卡賣籠:我知道妳的為難處,無論如何,You have to get right on your new plan as soon as possible。
★Chew (someone) out to:to reprimand. 責備責罵,過去式是chewed。
例句:The boss chewed me out for an hour because I forgot about this morning’s meeting.
★Rip (someone) a new asshole:to yell at someone,大聲地吼罵。rip是扯、撕下、劃破的意思,三態是Rip、Ripped、Rip。(把你罵到像是整個人)剝了一層皮一樣,可見得罵的多厲害,看到asshole就該知道是一個不大優雅的說法,但是當你被罵得很慘之後,當然要說說ass、asshole這類不雅的話來洩洩憤呀,同樣的文雅一點的說法是 rip someone a new one:rip me a new one. 但不如用asshole來得傳神受歡迎。
例句:If Naomi is late for work again, the boss is going to rip her a new asshole.
★Keep a low profile to:to remain in the background, to be inconspicuous. 中文就是保持低調的意思。
例句:Ever since Susan got promotion, she tries to keep a low profile.
★Pay lip service:to pretend to agree with someone or approve of an idea, etc without really doing so. 假裝表面上同意某人或是某事,但並不會有具體行動來使之成功,lip service的意思是應酬話,假殷勤,完全不真誠的言語。
例句:The boss’s support of new business actions was merely paying lip service; he never committed himself to it in any substantial way..
★Lock horns with someone (to):to come into conflict or to argue over something. (因為不同意而)與某人起了爭執或爭論。
例句:I don’t agree with Bill’s opinion so I lock horns with him about everything.
[照]horns是鹿、野牛等等動物頭上的角,看過這些動物在用角互相打架嗎? 可以想像兩個人像動物在lock horns然後互相僵持不下的意境嗎?
★Prove yourself (to):to display one’s skills and abilities. 證明自己的能力或技能。
例句:Poor Robert got fired before he had a chance to prove himself.
★Send him packing to go home:to fire someone. 望文生義就是送某人去打包回家,開除。
例句:If you aren’t prepared for the next meeting, the boss is going to send you packing.
★Yes man:a person always expresses agreement with his or her supervisor. 總是同意上司老闆說的話的人,類似我們中文講的應聲蟲。
例句;Paul is a yes man. He always says yes to our boss’s ideas even though some of them are really stupid.
★Come full circle:to return to the beginning of an argument or process, to go back to one's starting point又重新回到原點,或是說討論的議題東跳西跳最後又回到最一開始的話題。
例句:After talking about the problem for two hours, the argument came full circle and we chose the first solution we had discussed.
★Go back to square one:restart from the beginning. (回到原點)重新開始,這詞最先是起源於英國足球廣播的評論中。
例句:John forgot all changes our customers requested. Now I have to go back to square one and explain it all again.
★Burn the midnight oil. 在上一篇promotion篇學過的,有印象嗎?
★Go postal:become extremely angry, possibly to the point of violence, 當動詞用,抓狂生氣到幾近快出現暴力行為了。這詞是源自於1986年時,美國郵政United States Postal Service (USPS)裡的員工射殺了經理同事,而在1986年及1997年之間,有將近40個人被殺死於工作場合發生的暴力事件中,於是postal那個事件便被引用來形容是極端憤怒下即將出現暴力行為,這詞不限只用在工作場合上。
例句:I’m feeling so much stress. If I don’t take a vocation soon. I’m going to go postal.
★Been there, done that: indicating that it is boring to repeat an experience once it has lost its novelty. 其中一個意思是因為做過一次怎樣的事情後,便不再覺得有多新奇有趣了,如:I don't want to so skiing, been there, done that.但延伸到現在美語的用法變成是,因為曾經經歷過(做過)怎樣的事情,所以懂得經歷這些事情時的感受(會有一點點酸酸的口氣)。
例句:I know how tough it is when working with John. Been there, done that.
★Give someone a heads up:to tell someone a piece of information before it becomes official, 在正式生效前先知會當事人一些資訊,heads-up的意思是提醒一個可能會導致危險的警告,如: Heads-up, the tree is coming down now.
例句:I heard that Sandy is going to get fired. I’m going to give her a heads up, so she can start looking for another job.
★Hands-off:nonintervention or noninterference. 形容詞,從字面上的意思就是(雙)手都離開,解釋成不干預也不干涉。
例句:Harold is a hands-off manager. He lets me do what I want as long as I meet my project goals.
★Blank check:unrestricted authority. 字面的意思是空白支票,引申為完全放手讓下屬自由發揮不加以干涉的管理風格。
例句:He was given a blank check in the choice of personnel for the new department.
★Figure-head:a person who appears to be in charge but having no actual authority. 似乎是在一個領導主控的地位,但事實上卻是一點實際的權利都沒有,哈哈,原來凱文之前PM的工作就是 figure-head,要負責很多成敗,但對R&D甚至是其他部門的小組成員的工作表現卻一點辦法都沒有。
★In the know:Privy to special or secret information, 先私底下通知、知會特定的訊息。例句:Not too many people are in the know about this project.
★On the same page:to have the same understanding about something. 對同一件事有相同的認知與了解,另外一個類似的說法是on the same boat,中文的意思是同舟共濟、處在相同的情境/狀況下。
例句:Delia and I are on the same page about the project. We both agree that we need to hire more people to help.
★Leave him holding the bag:to force someone to be responsible for something. 迫使某人來為某些事情負責,這邊不是說我面對面的強迫你要來負責某些事情,而是因為某些特殊狀況之下而造成的,看以下的例句領略一下這個用法。
例句:Kimberly was supposed to be in charge of this project, but she went on vocation and left me holding the bag.
★Keep an eye on something/someone:to watch someone/something very carefully. 非常小心地監看/注意某些人或事。
例句: Keep an eye on Ralph. He seems very upset lately and doesn’t concentrate on his work at all.
★In the hot seat:a highly uncomfortable or embarrassing situation. 在一個非常不舒服或是尷尬的情況當中,hot seat的俚語用法就是電椅,electric chair.
例句:I'm in the hot seat because of the contract I lost.
★Catch 22:an situation where you lose no matter what choices you make. A dilemma. 中文俚語叫做豬八戒照鏡子,裡外不是人,不管怎樣做兩邊(甚至多邊)都不能同時討好的狀況。
例句:Whatever schedule I go for, some people will be mad about it. It’s really a catch 22.
★Burn one’s bridges to:to cause permanent irreparable damage to a relationship. 這說法起源於一個軍事策略,為了不讓士兵有撤退的路,於是過了橋之後便燒了橋,就如同中文所說『破釜沉舟』(Break the woks and sink the boats),到今天的用法就有點不一樣了,解釋成關係(因傷害)而無法彌補修復,注意要用複數型bridges。
例句:Don’t burn your bridges with Jeff. He will be the president of this company soon.
★Get right on something:to begin work immediately. 馬上、立即開始做。
例句:Let’s get right on our new project after our discussion. We don’t have much time to waste.